These publications and research pieces have been reproduced with the permission of their individual authors.
Still Outside the Tent – This paper examines the Federal government’s vision to help people with disability to live the lives they want to live and achieve greater social and economic inclusion with a particular focus on people with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds. Arguably, these people, their families and carers have not fared well under the ‘old’ disability system, so it is timely to examine how they are faring at a time of significant social policy reform.
Accessing disability services by people from CALD backgrounds in Australia – This study examined whether differences and access to specialist disability services by people from CALD backgrounds when compared with those born in Australia represent a service or the healthy migrant effect. It outlines findings on the proportions varied of disability in called communities.
CALD Communities and the NDIS A View from the Back of the Bus: a reflection on the need for a culturally responsive NDIS – Diana Qian, President of the Diversity and Disability Alliance, states that people with disability from CALD backgrounds make up only a small proportion of people who are currently disability service recipients. She argues greater resources are needed to ensure people from CALD backgrounds have equal access to the NDIS.
Challenges facing people with disability from CALD backgrounds monograph – This paper explores the changing cultural demographics in Western Australia and the challenges faced by people with disability from CALD backgrounds.
Changing disability status of immigrants in Australia – three cases – Through an in-depth analysis of three immigrant groups, this paper examines the changing disability status over five years of those born overseas who have lived in Australia for various periods of time. The research found that ages most important factor influencing the trajectories of disability profiles of immigrants.
Diversitat Disability Findings Report – This report explores issues and identifies barriers to disability service access for people from CALD communities. It also examines the challenges experienced by disability service providers in supporting CALD clients through their engagement with the NDIS. Includes case studies and recommendations for the NDIS and disability services.
Difference or disability* – A discussion on issues relating to learning disabilities and English language learners. Also provides links to related resources
Future Ability Report: Multicultural communities getting NDIS-ready project report – Settlement Services International (SSI) developed a project to support CALD communities access disability services. The project was called FutureAbility and in 2016, SSI released a report summarising the process and findings of the project’s first four phases. A range of strategies and initiatives were implemented to empower and support ethno-specific and multicultural organisations to enter or transition to the NDIS and to increase CALD communities’ knowledge of and participation in the NDIS.
Language and Culture Matter: Addressing the needs of people from a non-English speaking background who have a disability* – This AMPARO Advocacy position paper examines the additional barriers and discrimination faced by people from non-English speaking background who have a disability and puts forward information and recommendations to assist government, service providers and other community organisations to address barriers more effectively.
Research to Action: Culturally Proficient Service Delivery – A Rapid Review of Literature* – The aim of this rapid review was to provide a current understanding of the intersection of disability issues with cultural diversity issues in the research literature. This was done to support the disability sector develop their own research informed strategies and practices for working in the increasingly diverse disability environment.
Understanding and Applying Cultural Proficiency in the Disability Sector* – In a feature piece, the Centre for Applied Disability Research, outlines the impact of limited research on disability and CALD communities and, based on a review of key studies, offers recommendations for improving information and knowledge about service access issues and cultural responsiveness.